Dear friends,
We are surrounded by abundance and yet we still struggle with scarcity. What’s up with that? Why do we feel “less than,” deprived and even resentful when we compare our circumstances to others? Why are we blind to all the resources and gifts that surround us? It sure seems like we are all stuck in scarcity!
What is Scarcity?
Scarcity is the belief that our resources and potential are limited and that we will never have enough or be good enough. Scarcity is a pervasive feeling of lack. It is the fear that your work is not improving. It is being too busy to sit down and sketch for five minutes. It is not allowing yourself to start using real watercolor paper until you’re “really good”.
We are surrounded by scarcity. To market their products, companies tell us we are insufficient, uncool and in desperate need of the help their product can provide. No wonder we feel a profound sense of scarcity and anxiety!
How Can We Neutralize Scarcity?
My technique is a double whammy of GRATITUDE and ART! When I slow down to paint a boat, I notice the gorgeous rusty-golden color at the waterline. If you slow down, you will see the translucence of a pink peony petal or the soft smile of your mailman as he hands you three neatly stacked letters. These moments of delight are the antidote to scarcity - if we just slow down and notice them.
Creativity is another antidote. Making something by hand is a proclamation of freedom from pervasive marketing. You don’t need to buy anything to be creative. You can make art with paper and pen or a hand in the sand. You don’t need expensive supplies, just the freedom to experiment and screw up and waste paper.
How Do We Find Abundance?
When we trade scarcity for abundance - something wonderful happens. We give ourselves permission to play and create more. We don’t worry about feeling frivolous or using up those perfectly pointed crayons. We can also spend time practicing without judging the outcome or comparing our talent to others. In other words, we heal.
When we live in abundance, we start sharing more, donating time and resources to causes we care about and to friends we love. Doesn’t that sound like more fun? It is. Don’t be surprised if moving your mindset from Scarcity to Abundance changes your life. It changed mine.
To Learn More About Scarcity:
Read Brene Brown’s book Daring Greatly, especially the scarcity section.
Listen To Simon Sinek and Brene Brown discuss Abundance and adopting an Infinite Mindset
To Feel Some Extra Joy, stare at this picture of Kerrie’s kids holding the newest member of their tribe: Caleb Roy James!