Dear friends,
Happy Valentine’s Month! For me, February is a whole month filled with LOVE and HYGGE and SHARING! I am particularly fond of the sharing part because, as Dr. Beth Power says, “Sharing doubles joy, halves grief, and rewards loving relationships.”
We all have so much to share! Think for a minute - how could you share a bit of love or make someone’s day a bit brighter or cozier this month?
You can make a homemade valentine’s card, share a love poem, join a sketchathon! We can say “I love you” in 2 seconds. Writing “I love you” on a post-it takes just five seconds (yep. we timed it). How about if you commit to spending just fifteen minutes this month making something to share? Then you will be both the thoughtful gift giver and the happy creator - - and that’s a double dose of joy!
Here are some more ideas to get you started:
If you have a bit more time, try one of these easy homemade crafts: