The Perils Of Perfection

Hello friends -

As a recovering perfectionist, I've been noticing how perfectionism and ideas about talent are woven together in a tight knot - like the stomach-churning anxiety I feel when working on a deadline and trying to make something "great."

Artists often dream of standing atop the creative mountain, banner raised high, having achieved something truly remarkable. But this romantic metaphor reveals a fundamental flaw: it is exhausting, and there's nowhere to go from the peak but down.

The rare moments of "success" become addictive peaks of confirmation that we have talent, while the inevitable valleys feel like total failure and verification that we totally suck.

Art doesn't emerge from those dramatic summits.

Instead, creativity grows in the quiet valley of consistent practice—the gentle, daily pressure of showing up to do the work, regardless of inspiration or mood. Maybe we should approach art more like breakfast—something we do daily, without expecting every bowl of cereal to be a masterpiece.

The real heroes aren't artists who occasionally birth perfection through tears and torment. They're the ones who show up daily, making perfectly imperfect art in their comfy pants. Creativity isn't a dramatic mountain climb—it's a casual neighborhood stroll where you might find treasure, or sometimes just step in dog poop. Both make good stories.

Let's swap perfectionist pressure for gentle persistence. Show up, make stuff, enjoy the process. Your art (and your therapist) will thank you.

Love, Jess and the Slow River Staff