Hello friends,
Does it feel like time is flying by amid all the holiday bustle? Would you like to slow everything down for a few minutes and relax? Try Art!
Did you know that making art lowers stress hormone levels?
Art also focuses our attention and pulls us into the present moment.
At this time of year, I love to calm down with one-minute contour drawings. I carry a small sketchbook in my pocket and draw to take a short break. I sketch flowers on my windowsill. I sketch the dirty dishes while sipping coffee. I sketch the laundry pile while talking on the phone. I draw while waiting in line at the mall or while sitting in the food court. These are quick, silly drawings to be sure and laughing at my results is part of the fun. These sketches also give me an energy infusion because I absorb some of the seasonal excitement as I draw!
So when you feel stressed or overwhelmed this holiday season, stop for just a few minutes and draw something. It really will help! Love, Jess